Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thinking Of Her

Now fellas, how many of you can be real with me? Have you ever felt yourself falling for a girl a lil too hard? A lil too quick? Well if u dont know what im talking about, slide the mouse to that lil X and close this window IMMEDIATELY, because you might not wanna hear what i have to say. Ok so i met this girl a few weeks back and I can see myself falling hard! LOL. And some of you might call this some sucka for love shit, but who cares. Sick of the random Nutso's im constantly with, I felt it was time for a change. Cant chase ho's all my life! Right? So what do you do when you realize that you and the person you're dating have just about everything in common. When you get in the car and blast the volume to some of your favorite joints, and look to the passenger side and she's rapping all the words to herself like she doesnt want you to see. LMAO. Cant help but to smile. When she shows you things that you've never seen, and i dont mean sexually either! What do you call that? Damn.........

Monday, May 18, 2009

Priorities...All Screwed Up!

The dictionary list the definition of priorities as precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency, or highest or higher in importance, rank, privilege, etc.: a priority task. With that said take a look at yourself and ask what are my priorities? What do I feel is most important? Then look around in your community and ask the same questions. How many of us can say that the priority tasks of the youth in our communities are honestly up to social standards. (As you can tell I get extremely concerned with the messages today's youth get from their older influences.) So many people(was gonna say youth, but its a lot of their elders too) today are so concerned with obtaining "The Finer Things" in life, the nice car with rims, fly clothes, and new jewelry that the simpler goals have faded to the background. And I can't say having a want for things are wrong, but when you put that want for lavish materials in front of your actual necessities is when life's focus becomes blurred. If your from the urban neighborhoods in the city you are no stranger to these sights. How many times have you seen that sixty thousand dollar car parked outside the projects, or the young man driving that Mercedes with the big rims up to their mothers house. The other day I asked my mom what was the main priority of the people her age growing up. She told me that all the people she grew up with wanted independence from their parents, like moving out, and working on getting their careers started. Sad to say that all to days youth cares about are the materials, getting that newest pair of sneakers first before anyone of their peers, or signing their life away on that first financed car. They don't want to hear about being patient, but what they do not realize is that when you rush decision making processes such as signing on cars and credit cards, is that if and when you wait you might recieve an even bigger blessing than what you're rushing to get. So instead of rushing to get that Dodge you just might get that BMW that you always wanted, or dont spend your last bit of money on that pair of sneakers just to have them first be patient and watch you be able to get those and the other 2 or 3 pairs you had your eye on. What im trying to say to our people is dont rush to get the things you dont need. Patience is a virtue.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Skinny Jeans!!

This is going to be a short one, but I just have to vent and put these thoughts out there. I understand fashion and the idea of the 80's coming back, but can we leave some of these so called hot fads in the 80's. For one, how skinny is too skinny for skinny jeans? Come on fellas we have to draw the line somewhere.
Today while on my lunch break while walking in the mall I notice that almost everyone is on this new fad of skinny jeans, and not just skinny, but colors. The crazy thing is that I'm only 23years old, and when i was growing up the only color jeans you would've been wearing were different shades of blue, black, and maybe a grey here and there. (I'm not counting that whole cross colors era because we were all out of our damn minds then)
But looking at todays youth's I've come to the conclusion that they all have to get dressed in mirror-less houses. When your jeans are so tight that they cannot be pulled up pass your ass(pause, just in case) with the crotch of the pants at your knees, and the rest of the leg looks like you have Under Armor on (CLICK, CLACK!!!), come on now! Now I cant say I'm not guilty of a fitted pair of jeans, but there's a big difference between skinny and fitted. And the colors have to stop somewhere! I don't know what stores these youngn's are shopping at, but all the stores I shop at don't sell colored jeans(for men at least).
Today i saw a kid wearing purple skin tight jeans with these huge Marty McFly sneakers on, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Not to say the colors didn't match, but much props to the kid for having the nerve to get up that morning and actually find something equally ugly to those pants. The dilemma I'm dealing with is the constant question that roams in my head when i see kids like the ones i saw today. Do they really think that's a good look? Are they laying their clothes out the night before looking at that outfit smiling thinking to themselves thinking "Man Ima Kill Em In This Tomorrow". I can't help but laugh when I think about these kids shopping for these ridiculously tight pants, trying on a pair that's not that tight, saying to one of their boys " Yo son these joints tight enough? Na? Ight get me the yellow ones from the women's department! But make sure they're extra tight son!" Lmao
In conclusion, I guess everyone is entitled to wear what they want, but are people following these fashion trends because that's what's in right now, or do they actually think they're hot?
But Do you know what skinny jeans and big sneakers make you look like? A CLOWN!!!!!